Author: Grimm Brothers
Director: Romano Bogdan
Dramaturgy: Romano Bogdan (staged on the motives of the fairy-tale from Grimm brothers)
Costume design: Assemble
Music: Igor Baksa and Tragedy bend
Light design: Neven Taradi
Duration of the play: 45 min
Cat – Karolina Horvat
Donkey – Davor Dokleja
Dog – Igor Baksa
Rooster – Bruno Kontrec
Short description: The Donkey is logical Mexican speaker, Rooster is crowing on American Country dialect, Pussy is speaking fine English and Dog barks at the picturesque Roma language stews. Four entertainers looking for a better life leads us in strange musical theatrical adventure for all ages.
About the play:
The classic Brothers Grimm fable, ideal for a musical form whose elements four musically gifted animals are playing with. Old Donkey ceased to be useful to his landlord miller, so he pushed him away from home. A similar fate threatened other animals: boss wanted to kill his hunting dog, battered cat Matilda was almost drown in the water, while the rooster should end in the boiling pot. Together they become traveling band who seeks their career in the distant city of Bremen.
Theatre group, in its distinctive humorous style, this well-known story refreshes with modern perspective of four dialectal (and diametrically) different character. Thus, the Donkey is logical Mexican speaker, Rooster is crowing on American Country dialect, Pussy is speaking fine English and Dog barks at the picturesque Roma language stews. (On Croatian we play Croatian dialects) Four entertainers looking for a better life leads us in strange musical theatrical adventure for all ages.