The Grasshopper and the Ants
Premiere: December, 20th, 2020
Director: Romano Bogdan
Text and dramaturgy: Ivona Marciuš
Scenography and stage costume design: Bruno Kontrec
Music: Igor Baksa
Lighting configuration: Neven Taradi
Graphic design: Bruno Kontrec
Mario Jakšić
Karolina Horvat
Davor Dokleja
Bruno Kontrec
About the play:
One of the most famous Aesop’s fables brings us a story about a lazy grasshopper who spent his days in playing music and trying to persuade the ants to follow suit, and about the ants who were diligently standing in rows in front of their house and stapled the food for wintertime.
Through a modern approach, questioning the consequences of work and negligence, this play is asking some of the always up-to-date social questions. Through a contrast of ants as diligent people caring about securing their material future, and a grasshopper as a certain sort of a Bohemian enjoying the moment, the audience is facing the opposition of material goods in lack of which there is no progress and the art the importance of which is also undisputable.
Shall the grasshopper survive the wintertime when he realises that only his instruments are what is left, and shall all of the ants resist his song which is following them from day to day?
The actors’ play of four actors leads us to the world of little workaholics and one Bohemian, leaving us the space to conclude who is negative and who is positive in this story for ourselves, and whether such divison is present at all in the story which, apart from the lead message, gives us also in traces the famous one teaching us that we are all different?
The show is a part of an international project ConnectUp – The Life of the Others, financed through the programme Creative Europe.
Age: 4+
Duration: 40 min
Normal life
Direction: Miran Kurspahić
Text and dramaturgy: Rona Žulj
Music: Nikša Marinović (vocal in the composition „Normalan život” („Normal Life“) sung by Igor Baksa)
Stage costume design: Domagoj Štimac
Lighting configuration: Neven Taradi
Graphic design: Barbara Bjeliš
Executive producer: Romano Bogdan
Mata Kroata: Davor Dokleja
Iva Ofenziva: Karolina Horvat
Pero Leđero: Mario Jakšić
Jura Procedura: Bruno Kontrec
About the play: Welcome to an another episode of a competition show Normal Life! This competition show is as old as the state itself and our presenters are its extension. Go try yourself in the games of knowledge, luck and dexterity live on stage, and while you collect your victory points according to intructions by presenters you shall face your own prejudices and mechanisms of their genesis! Where shall the cut the corners principle lead you and where shall you end with civil courage? How many learned patterns leads you to a great prize called Normal Life and what is exactly hiding behind that prize with such a posh name? We shall not reveal it to you; go play and you shall find out for yourselves.
The show is a part of an international project ConnectUp – The Life of the Others, financed through the programme Creative Europe.
Great professional help in our work on the show has been provided by:
employees of the Police Administration of Medjimurje; employees of the Centre for Social Welfare Čakovec; Prof. Ph.D. Tamara Turza-Bogdan; educational workers Aleksandra Pleh, Marijana Sabo, Nikola Švenda, Toni Marušić and students Nina Oršuš and Sabina Oršuš.
Age: 14+
Duration: 90 min.
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theatre, Zagreb
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